Understanding the Make Time Method for Achieving Balance

Steven Odzer

November 20, 2023

Stephen Odzer-Understanding the Make Time Method for Achieving Balance

Finding a balance between work, family, and personal time can be challenging in our fast-paced world. The Make Time Method offers a practical approach to achieving this balance. In this article, we’ll delve into the core principles of the Make Time Method and how it can help you regain control of your time and life.

Prioritizing Your Time:

The Make Time Method begins with a fundamental step: prioritizing your time. It’s about recognizing what truly matters and allocating your time accordingly. To do this effectively, you need to identify your top priorities, both short-term and long-term. These priorities include spending quality time with your family, advancing your career, pursuing a hobby, or simply taking care of your well-being.

Eliminating Time Wasters:

Once you’ve established your priorities, it’s time to eliminate the time wasters in your life. These are activities or habits that consume your time without adding significant value. Expected time wasters include excessive social media use, aimless web browsing, and engaging in unproductive conversations. The Make Time Method encourages you to identify and reduce these distractions to create more room for what truly matters.

Setting Boundaries:

Another critical aspect of the Make Time Method is setting boundaries. This involves defining when and how you’ll engage in various activities. For example, if spending time with your family is a top priority, set boundaries around work hours and commit to being fully present during family time. Setting boundaries helps you allocate time more effectively, reduces stress, and improves overall well-being.

Time Blocking:

Time blocking is a crucial technique within the Make Time Method. It involves scheduling specific blocks of time for various activities or tasks. For instance, allocate a block of time in the morning for focused work, another block for exercise in the afternoon, and a third for family time in the evening. By structuring your day this way, you ensure each priority gets the attention it deserves.

The Power of Saying “No”:

Saying “no” can be challenging but essential for achieving balance. The Make Time Method encourages you to decline commitments or activities that don’t align with your priorities. Politely declining non-essential tasks or requests allows you to protect your time and energy for what truly matters, ultimately helping you maintain balance.

Flexibility and Adaptability:

While the Make Time Method provides structure and organization, it also emphasizes the importance of flexibility. Life is unpredictable, and unexpected events can disrupt your plans. The method encourages adaptability and the ability to adjust your schedule when necessary without feeling overwhelmed. This flexibility ensures you can handle curveballs while maintaining your overall balance.

Achieving balance in life is an ongoing journey, and the Make Time Method provides a valuable framework to help you navigate it. By prioritizing your time, eliminating time wasters, setting boundaries, and using techniques like time blocking, you can take control of your schedule and create space for the things that matter most. Remember, balance is not about perfection but continuous improvement and adaptation to lead a more fulfilling life.